Opportunities Newscast with Potential Business for You

Hi Reader: Welcome to the Opportunities Newscast. This is your opportunity to help connect business to change the world. If you see an opportunity that interests you, contact mary@marykurek.com. Let's do this!

Sustainable Village Partner

We are looking for:

An impact investor with an interest in partnering to create sustainable progress in an area of the world in need. What we have: *investing businesses that will locate in the village, *Innovative tech for all aspects, design done, budget done, feasibility study outline done, local government agreement done, boots-on-the-ground partner in place, and a highly credentialed team. If this sounds interesting, let's talk. Note: If you are in or know of a location that would be interested in a sustainable economic development project like this type of village that hits all of the UN SDGs, let me know. Serious inquiries only. (Global)

Consulting for College-Bound Students

We are looking for:

Parents of high-school students and college-bound students who want to get past the struggles of deciding on the right university choice and would like help for admissions, navigating college life, and prep for career. Organizations and Schools welcome. Note: Middle School and early High School students are ideal but will talk with all. (Global)

Data Security and Compliance Peace of Mind

We are looking for: Organizations and Corporations (small and large) interested in increasing cyber resilience and meeting regulatory compliance objectives. Help and services are commensurate with the size of the company and need for greater cyber "health." Hospitality, Education, Healthcare, and all sectors are of interest. Partners and collaborators are welcome. (Global)

Indie Business Developer Coaching Package

This is a great opportunity for business consultants, coaches, and independent entrepreneurs who work with companies to... Read more

Special Note: Looking for medical supply manufacturers and assisted living facilities in the U.S. interested in selling the business. Confidential conversation.

Need Funding?

Click the button below to book a call. (Projects can be global but must have a business plan or pitch deck if only in draft. Prefer debt.)

Visit us at www.frontrunnersdevelopment.com for services, projects, our podcast interviews, and more.