Opportunities Newscast with Potential Business for You

Hi Reader: Welcome to the Opportunities Newscast. This is your opportunity to help connect business to change the world. If you see an opportunity that interests you, contact mary@marykurek.com. Let's do this!

Construction Strategy & Development

We are looking for: Real Estate Developers interested in saving costs and open to new design options. Also, looking for large-project developers in need of a strategic partner with global experience and a sustainability focus.

Sustainable Summit - Vegas Nov.17-19 2024

We are looking for: Physicians, Healthcare Products/Services Partners, Wellness Centers/Products, Med Spa Owners, Corporations with a Wellness Focus, and Mental Health Centered Orgs and Companies. There will be a Charity Gala for Mental Health Awareness involved. Sponsors being sought. Deepak Chopra will be on stage. United Nations endorsed. Lots of opportunities here for business, marketing, and visibility. Ask us for the brochure.

Carbon Offsets to Help Pay for Projects

We are looking for: Global: People with Forestation/Reforestation Projects, Agriculture Projects, Sustainable Developments, NGOs or Nonprofits Working with Sustainability Projects that Involve Clean Energy, and Climate Conscious Planning. Also, Carbon Credit Buyers.

Biz Dev Brainstormer Session

If you could sit down with a professionally-trained business coach who was also a seasoned business developer with a... Read more

Need Funds? We Can Help

We are always happy to talk with folks who have well-documented projects that are looking for funds. There's been a heavy load of requests lately which has kept our teams busy, but, it has also caused us to source more broadly for unique funding models. If that's you or someone you know, click the button below to book a call. (Projects can be global but must have a business plan or pitch deck if only in draft.)

Visit us at www.frontrunnersdevelopment.com for services, projects, our podcast interviews, and more.