Opportunities Newscast with Potential Business for You

Hi Reader: Welcome to the Opportunities Newscast. This is your opportunity to help connect business to change the world. If you see an opportunity that interests you, contact mary@marykurek.com. Let's do this!

Funding Seeker Resources:

We are looking for: Innovators, Founders, Board Members, and CEOs interested in getting pitch decks and other collateral created or reviewed/updated reasonably and with a focus on great story-telling.

We are also looking for: Nonprofits, Charities, Foundations who have a mailing list of members, donors, or followers and are interested in a super-easy (almost effortless) fundraiser.

The Frontrunners Innovate Podcast will be running a 3-part live-event series with funding experts and resources early September. We will notify subscribers for early registration for these free events.

Medical Education Platform

We are looking for: Physicians, Healthcare Products/Services Partners, Wellness Centers, Clinic Administrators, or Clinical Trial Directors. Mobile platform with completely private delivery system educates patients on follow-up information to their healthcare, procedures, prescriptions, and other critical directions.

3-D Printer with Functional


We are looking for: Manufacturers who need particular parts quickly, University Innovation Labs, Remote Facilities with ceaseless function mandates, and Innovators for technical exploration. Award-winning innovator/founder backed by NASA.

Biz Dev Brainstormer Session

If you could sit down with a professionally-trained business coach who was also a seasoned business developer with a... Read more

New Frontrunners "Masters Group" for Business Developers, Owners, Investors, and Innovators?

Thanks to those of you who have already responded. Running a final notice. We have a constant flow of opportunities coming to us every day from colleagues (other business developers), business networks, and board members out searching for resources like funding, channel partners, and licensing deals. There are also projects where we serve as team members. We're considering starting a Masters group of professionals interested in meeting on Zoom once a month to review some hand-picked opportunities directly from those involved for the purposes of determining if/how they'd like to participate. If you'd be seriously interested in a group like this, just send an email to mary@marykurek.com with a message referencing Masters with words "Notify me." The decision will be made soon. Details will go out first to those we have on our notification list.

Visit us at www.frontrunnersdevelopment.com for services, projects, our podcast interviews, and more.