Opportunities Newscast with Potential Business for You

Hi Reader: Welcome to the Opportunities Newscast. This is your opportunity to help connect business to change the world. If you see an opportunity that interests you, contact Mary at mary@marykurek.com. Let's do this!

Unique Patient Health Accessibility Program

We are looking for: Large US-based organizations, associations, like chiropractic or dental. We'd be interested in talking with leaders involved in advocating for under-insured persons and with owners of community pharmacies.

Unbeatable Flexible Staffing for Manufacturers

We are looking for: US-based companies building new warehouses, adding shifts, or opening a new location. Manufacturers are a target, but, we would appreciate talking with leaders in disaster recovery, retail, hospitality, airports, seasonal businesses, and if you think of it, we probably need to talk. Remote is possible, as well. This is a tech-based model that beats industry standards.

The World's Only Deposition Water Harvesting™ Device

We are looking for: International Government and NGO leaders, and companies launching sustainable infrastructure projects. This US-based clean water solution extracts water from the air. The solution operates on solar and dispenses cold air as a return. Can operate anywhere as it is not reliant on relative humidity. Completely green. There are also other desired features like desalination. Looking for pre-sales and/or partners with projects in US, Africa or other places where water scarcity is great.

New Frontrunners "Masters Group" for Business Developers, Investors, and Innovators?

We have a constant flow of opportunities coming to us every day from colleagues (other business developers), business networks, and board members out searching for resources like funding, channel partners, and licensing deals. There are also projects where we serve as team members. We're considering starting a Masters group of professionals interested in meeting on Zoom once a month to review some hand-picked opportunities directly from those involved for the purposes of determining if/how they'd like to participate. If you'd be seriously interested in a group like this, just send an email to mary@marykurek.com with a message referencing Masters with words "Notify me." The decision will be made in the next couple of weeks. Details will go out first to those we have on our notification list.

Tip: Did you know...

  • Best Day/Time for Marketing Emails: In a 2023 article on Hubspot, it was reported from their own survey that the highest engagement for their marketing emails occurred between 9 AM to 12 PM and 12 PM to 3 PM and the best day is Tuesday.
  • Best Day/Time for Meetings: The best day and time to schedule meetings to ensure attendance isTuesday at 2:30 pm. (credited to Hourly.io and payscale.com and extracted from surveys)

Visit us at www.frontrunnersdevelopment.com for services, projects, our podcast interviews, and more.